Madrasah Information
Madrasah Da’watul Haq was established in 2002 by Shiekh-Ul Hadith Moulana Fazlur Rahman Saheb Damat Barakatuhum who was inspired by Allah Ta’ala on the occasion of Hajj. The Madrasah provides a multifunctional service to the community. The primary object of this institution is to provide Islamic as well as secular education to boys and girls from within the informal settlements of South Africa. During the course of 2015 we established a welfare department. Currently the Madrasah has a roll of 65 boys and 95 girls. These students are provided with complete boarding and lodging facilities. They are well cared for and have full-time supervisors.
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Daily Activities of the Madrasah
The Yateem Khana
These children are taught for four hours in the morning Deeni-Taalim i.e. correct recitation of the Quraan-e-Kareem, Dinyaat, Tajweed, Aqaaid, Aqhlaaq, Hifdh and history.
During the establishment of the boys Madrasah, it was brought to our notice that a Madrasah of this nature is of utmost importance for girls as well.
Girls Madrasah
Madrasah Dawatul Haq for girls opened in January 2004 from a 7 bedroom house with 16 students.
The aim of the Madrasah was to provide basic primary level of Islamic knowledge over 3 years and keep them in an Islamic environment. Our focus was not only an Islamic, secular work was being done, starting from grade 1 to Grade 5.
From these humble beginnings the Madrasah has since grown to students ranging from 8 years to 15 years. The Madrasah has to separate lodging houses. Alhamdulillah the Madrasah now provides secular education from Grade 1 to Grade 8, and Islamic education the very basic level i.e classs 1 to a higher level, preparatory classes for Aalimah was introduced which commenced with 9 girls in 2009 and may I add that with the help of Allah (SWT) to date eleven girls has successfully completed their full Aalima course. They are now serving as teachers in there localities.
This Madrasah has flourished and has grown enormously and this is all thanks to Allah (SWT),through the founder Moulana Fazul Rahman Azmi and the efforts of the dedicated staff , may Allah (SWT) keep the spirit of Islam alive through us all, and especially these students let them take what they have learnt and spread to other people around them and Insha-Allah.
They will carry the torch of Islam and many more will come to the fold of Islam, Insha-Allah.
All praise is due to Allah (SWT) who has given me this opportunity to teach at Madrasah Da’watul Haq. It is undoubtedly the most rewarding and fulfilling experience for me, it has given me and immense source of self gratification and purpose.
Teaching these young learners of tomorrow has been conducive to enriching my life. Being part of their lives has made me feel honoured that I was chosen to help educate them in an Islamic environment.
May this institute grow from strength to strength and may Allah (SWT) reward all those involved abundantly in this world and the next, Insha-Allah.
In this girls section a student, who started from class 1 in Islaamiaat in 2006 has now come back to the Madrasah not as a student but as a qualified Aalimah and has now taken a teachers post. Masha-Allah . This is our aim to provide the students with Deeni knowledge so they can go out into their communities and spread the message of Deen. Insha-Allah.
Below is a table regarding the role of the staff/students of both The Boys and Girls Madrasah for 2015:
Maktab Students
Aalimah Students
Care Takers
Secular Teachers
Domestics / Admin
3 / 2
3 /3
Report from the office – Zahir Molvi
In the name of Allah most beneficient most merciful
Indeed it’s a favour from Allah (SWT) who has granted me an opportunity to serve his deen. It is only through the help of Allah and the foresight of our elders that institutions of this nature can come into existence. From the very inception of this institution Allah (SWT) has granted me the strength to fulfill my responsibilities to the best of my ability towards the indigenous youth of our community who will be the future leaders of tomorrow. It is my Duaa daily that Allah (SWT) accepts my broken efforts, forgives me for my shortcomings and bless with this ni’mah of serving his deen until my last breath. This Madrasahs growth could only be possible with the Muslim communities by means of financial and moral support and most importantly their Duaas. We also remember those people who were closely associated with this Madrasah and have left this world, may Allah (SWT) grant them the full reward in the aakhirah for it is the elders who have migrated from the sub-continent and have established Masjids and Madrasahs in South Africa, and today the young generation enjoy the fruits of their efforts.
I remember an incident where 4 of our students who undertook the Imaam Khateeb course during their training period were sent to a local Masjid to perform the Jummah Salaah and deliver a lecture which brought tears to 1 of the Musallees of the area. When asked why was he tearing he said that after very long I witnessed a person from our own community to perform the Jummah Salaah in our locality. This is only by the help of Allah (SWT) and the effort of the dedicated Ustaadh. The Madrasah has employed 2 caretakers who responsibility is to ensure that students have a comfortable environment 24 hours a day.
Other services rendered:
Alhamdulillah we have established a welfare department which sees to the needs of widows and those that are in need of financial assistance. Currently, we assist 12 families who receive financial aid to the value of +-R12000 monthly.