Clcik on the play button below to listen to the Dawatul Haq Anthem, and to download right click the text : Dawatul Haq Madrasah Anthem, and select “save target as”. The translation is given below the play button
TRANSLATION OF THE MADRASAH ANTHEM – Compiled by the founder and rector of Madrasah Da’watul Haq – Sheikhul Hadith Moulana FazlurRahman Azmi Saheb Damat Barakatuhum. In Makah Mukkaramah Hajj 1431- 2010
This is our flourishing garden. This is our flourishing garden. This is our flourishing garden. This is our flourishing garden.
Madrasah Da’watul Haq is a garden
In it we stay and reside night and day.
Its embrace (lap) is now our home.
In it we eat and drink night and day.
This is our flourishing garden. This is our flourishing garden. This is our flourishing garden. This is our flourishing garden.
Our purpose of coming to it is Deen.
In it we write and read night and day.
The religion of Allah Ta’aala we have learnt here.
We are in the shadow of his mercy night and day.
In short we have to learn and teach Deen.
In it the Deeni atmosphere is wonderful and strange.
There is the splendor of the religion of Islam here.
This is our flourishing garden. This is our flourishing garden. This is our flourishing garden. This is our flourishing garden.
There is practice upon of the Sunnah of Mohammed (S.A.W) here.
It is a symbol of the greatness of the Deen of Islam.
For this very reason it has been established here.
It’s education is solely regarding the oneness of Allah Ta’aala.
Staying away from shirk (ascribing partners with Allah Ta’aala.) are the teachings here.
We have learnt how to perform salaah here.
Now we will never ever leave them out.
We have become attached to Zikr here.
Now we will never leave it no matter where we are.
This is our flourishing garden. This is our flourishing garden. This is our flourishing garden. This is our flourishing garden.
We have found tranquility in the Quraan.
We have gained conviction in its promises.
We will never leave its recitation ever.
In its words there is great sweetness.
Now we are concerned of saving ourselves from evil.
We now stay far away from them night and day.
This is our flourishing garden. This is our flourishing garden. This is our flourishing garden. This is our flourishing garden.
Oh Allah save us from every sin.
May we remember you night and day.
May the efforts of this Madrasah continue forever.
May the students continuously be blessed by it.
May the lord of the worlds be pleased with its service.
May it attain the mercy of Allah night and day.
Zil HIJJAH – 1431 – November – 2010